Fern Pattern Technique (English)
The Ultimate Guide to start with the Fern Pattern Technique. Enables you to strengthen the skin using hyaluronic acid dermal fillers in a strategic way, without adding unnecessary volume. (Course access; 99 days)
Fern Pattern Technique (Español)
Esta es la guía definitiva para aprender a utilizar la técnica del patrón de helecho. Utilizando las capacidades fortalecedoras de la piel del ácido hialurónico cuando se inyecta en la dermis media. (Acceso al curso 99 días)
Fern Pattern Technique (Português)
Este é o guia definitivo para aprender como usar a técnica do padrão de samambaia. Utilizando as capacidades de fortalecimento da pele do ácido hialurônico quando injetado na derme média. (Acesso ao curso 99 dias)
Shadowing, 3 hours, 10 patients
Watch Dr. Tom van Eijk assess and inject hyaluronic acid fillers and Botulinum Toxin. Three hours, injecting ten different patients. The closest you will ever get to seeing the Fern Pattern, Lip Tenting and Palma Technique. (Course access; 365 days)
Botulinum Toxin, Dysport/ Azzalure, LIVE DEMO
This LIVE demo shows the analysis of upper face muscle asymmetry and some useful tips and tricks. Also demonstrates how to use the 3Dose syringe. (Course access; 99 days)